2018-19 Boo Grigsby Foundation Scholarship Graduates


Daija Johnson

High School: Lutcher High School, Class of 2014

Boo Grigsby Scholarship Duration: 2014 - 2019

College: Southeastern Louisiana University, 2019

Degree Earned: B.S. Health Systems Management

Daija Johnson, a 2014 Lutcher High School graduate and Boo Grigsby Scholar, recently graduated from Southeastern Louisiana University with a Bachelor of Science in Health Systems Management. While she has her sights set on starting her career at Oschner Health, she dreams of one day owning her own healthcare facility. We have no doubt that Daija will accomplish any goal she sets for herself.

On the support her mentor offered her: 

"I became a mother during my freshman year of college, and everything became a challenge for me. Mrs. Debbie continued to push me and remind me that nothing was impossible. She was a great mentor and now that I'm at the end [of my senior year], I want to let her know: we did it!"

On the Boo Grigsby Foundation Scholarship: 

“The Boo Grigsby Foundation Scholarship influenced me to never give up no matter what circumstances I may face. I had great mentors during my scholarship who continued to push me to graduate. The scholarship also helped cover the many necessities I needed for classes each semester. I don’t know how I would have been able to afford [many college expenses] without the Boo Grigsby Scholarship opportunity.”